Dear Diary,
I'm the most left out man in the whole goddamn world!! Nobody likes me!! Noone!! Noone except my hot boyfriend!!! It's not like I care for anyone except said hot bf, but come on! What the hell does everyone else have that I don't??
Today, I caught that fucker Omori doing something I'll never forgive him for. He was talking to Hiyori!! That BITCH!! How come I don't get to talk to Hiyori, both due to work conditions and both because Hiyori won't talk to me, but OZUKEIM's number one just gets to casually walk into the tank and TALK to Hiyori?! And as if that wasn't enough, they've been doing it on a frequent basis! It wasn't a one time thing! Those asswipes are TALKING!! Worst part is that I can't even learn what they're talking about! I can never get close enough to hear them while they're talking without one of them noticing me and shooing me away!! Like come on, I'm not even that ugly! I CAN'T BE THAT UGLY BECAUSE I'M MADE OUT OF GODDAMN OUTLINES!!! AAAGGHH!!!
I hate the feeling of being left out, even if it's by some angsty losers!! I'm supposed to be the guy running this place! I clean up after the corpses, I set up the props, I take care of moderation! All for what?? All to be ghosted by a bunch of fucking MIDDLE SCHOOLERS! I deserve to be respected, god damnit! I'll show them! I'll show them ALL I'm to be fucking respected!
Is what I would say If I was allowed to lay a finger on them. FUCKING OZUKEIM says I can't do anything to them because they're FUCKING PROJECT MATERIAL and I have to NOT HARM THEM BECAUSUASDJFHASHDUASDHUASHDUAHUUHUAAAUUUUGHHH I HATE THOSE FUCKERS!!!